Universal Musical Instrument Lexicon

As part of the LinkedMusic Project, we will also create an online Universal Musical Instrument Lexicon (UMIL), which will crowd-source names and pictures of instruments through history and in different languages, improving multilingual coverage for linked data.

Building on projects like MIMO (Musical Instruments Museum Online), UMIL will build a special website to crowd-source the names of instruments, where pictures of instruments are displayed, and people can submit the name of the instruments in their own language. While this will be a significant undertaking, this should greatly aid in the mapping of instrument names and in searching for the same instrument across sources from different times and places. The multilingual search will be accomplished via a concept similar to a thesaurus, and each instrument will be represented by a URI. This URI will link all the names of the instrument together, and this system will also be used to display the search results in the user’s preferred language when using SESEMMI (Search Engine System for Enhancing Music Metadata Interoperability).

A list of online databases either about musical instruments or with musical instrument sections.

Potential UMIL Website Templates (based on photography, museum and shopping websites).